
Challenge GATE 2017 Answer Key Now

Candidates who appeared in the GATE 2017 exam that was conducted on 4, 5, 11 and 12 February 2017 can now challenge the GATE answer key. The answer key for GATE 2017 was released on 27 February 2017.
Candidates who wish to challenge the answer key can do so through the GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS) till 6 March 2017 (10 A.M.).
Here is how the candidates can contest the GATE 2017 answer key.

  1. Step 1. Visit the GOAPS
  2. Step 2. Enter your enrolment ID/E-mail address, GOAPS password and Captcha code in the respective fields.
  3. Step 3. Once all the required fields are filled, click on the Submit button to make representation.

The candidates are required to provide a justification for challenging a question(s). For each question, a payment of Rs 500 needs to be made online. For foreign students who wrote the GATE 2017, the required fee is $10. If your challenge is justified and accepted by IIT Roorkee, the paid fee will be refunded.

Candidates are required to be careful while quoting the question number(s) that they are challenging.

The final result of GATE 2017 will be declared on 27 March 2017.

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