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ESE 2023 Prelims Answer key and Detailed Solution

  • Author :IES Master

  • Date : 20 February 2023

UPSC Anthropology Optional : A Comprehensive Guide

Engineering services exam prelims 2023 has got over on 19th Feb. 2023, and it is of objective in nature. Students have burned their mid-night oil while preparing for this exam and as per the general opinion received from the students the paper was relatively on the tougher side as compared to ESE 2022 Prelims Paper-1. Paper -II (Civil engineering paper) was found to be of moderate level. This year paper-1 & 2 has disappointed many who have missed out any portion of their syllabus, because UPSC ESE Prelims papers comprises questions from each portion of their syllabus, and if students have to do well, they need to show the extensive coverage and thorough revisions of Engineering services examination syllabus.

It is a universal fact that whenever students appear for any exam, they embark upon a journey of emotional rollercoaster because wanting to get into the merit list and hoping to have an expected outcome for their efforts is inevitable, but the authentic source with which they can reconcile their attempt is not available.

IES Master have come up with the answer key and detailed solution of the ESE 2023 Prelims. These answers will give help them in gauging their performance with an authentic source designed by expert faculty members assisted by researched and development team members  of IES Master. These solutions provided by the institute also carries the detailed explanation. The twist and turns of the questions have been simplified and generally it is noted that interlinking of the concepts pose the challenge for students, which compels the student to do mistakes and whosoever has crystallized their concepts only those students will be able to perform better. So, it is advisable to through the answer key and detailed solution with great care, and calculate your marks.

The expected ESE 2023 cut-off might be curtailed for this year students as there have been addition in number of seats as compared to last year. The total number of seats are 327 whereas total number of vacancies for ESE 2022 were 246, so this fact is included here just to give you the idea that there may be curtailment in cut-off.

Here are the steps to download the ESE 2023 Answer key and detailed solution.

Step: -1 Go to

Step: -2 Select the branch (Solutions are available for CE, ME, EE & ECE).

Step: -3 Click on answer key (Option for other downloads are also available).

Step: -4 Fill in the required details.

Step: -5 Download the solution.

The solution has been crafted with utmost care, and suitable assumptions have been included while giving answer of the questions. There may be some changes which you find in the versions of solution because there is a saying in law that devil lies in the detailand once you go through the question with further detailing it may happen that certain shade of the question gets amplified which was unnoticed before so keep on checking the updated solution.

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