IES Master has stamped its complete domination over Civil Engineering stream. By far, there is no institute that comes even close to be called a competition. Ajay Singhal and Sumit Dewda, both of whom secured AIR-1 in GATE 2020 from Civil Engineering branch, are students of IES Master Regular Classroom program.
The uniqueness of GATE 2020 result speaks volumes of IES Master classroom ecosystem, which brings out the very best, required for acing this very prestigious competitive exam among engineers.
GATE is in fact a matter of pride, and producing successive toppers is an art perfected by IES Master, which manifests through every single thing that is being provided to the students, including study material and test series.
IES Master takes extreme pride in the way we go about nurturing every single aspect that goes into the competition from basics to advanced, breaking it into a stage-wise learning process. By making learning a fun and GATE just another test that you write here at IES Master, we bring best out of the aspirants.