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SSC-JE Preparation through SSC-JE Mains Online Test Series

  • Author :IES Master

  • Date : 25 April 2020

UPSC Anthropology Optional : A Comprehensive Guide

To help the SSC-JE aspirants utilise the gap-period caused by the outbreak of CoronaVirus across the world, and the lockdown of various states of India to fight against the spread of COVID-19, IES Master is offering the SSC-JE Full-length Online Test Series free of cost to the students. This will help them understand the SSC-JE exam pattern while assessing their level of preparation. The SSC-JE Full-length Online Test Series includes 6 full-length tests, and it would be written by students from all over India. By writing the test series, candidates would get a chance to rub shoulders with the best engineering minds, and on the basis of this feedback, students aspiring for SSC-JE will get a boost in their performance as well as preparation.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts every year a national level competition exam to hire suitable engineers as Junior Engineers for various government departments of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Quantity Surveying and Contract, etc., the. As the exam is written by millions of engineering students, the competition is getting intense year-on-year. Therefore, one has to follow a meticulously planned strategy to prepare for this all-India level recruitment examination.

SSC-JE Exam Pattern
The SSC-JE examination includes two papers – Paper-I and Paper-II.

Paper-I consists of three sections – General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and Technical section (Civil Engineering or Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering). Each section of Paper-I is computer-based test (CBT), and consists of objective questions.

The Paper I of SSC-JE carries 200 marks with a total duration of 2 hours. The breakup of marks for the respective sections is as below:

General Intelligence and Reasoning (50 questions)           – 50 marks
General Awareness (50 questions)                                       – 50 marks
Technical (100 questions)                                                       – 100 marks

• Part A- General Engineering (Civil and Structural) or
• Part B- General Engineering (Electrical) or
• Part C- General Engineering (Mechanical)

Each question is of 1 mark, and for every wrong answer, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks. Candidates have the option of choosing from Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering stream in General Engineering section.

Only those candidates, who clear the Paper I of SSC-JE, are qualified to write Paper II. Paper-II consists of only one section i.e. General Engineering from Civil & Structural, or Electrical, or Mechanical engineering. Paper-II carries 300 marks with a total duration of 2 hours.

Importance of SSC-JE Mains Online Test Series
Engineering students who have cleared the SSC-JE Paper-I will be now writing the SSC-JE Mains exam. The Mains stage would also be a crucial stage of SSC-JE exam as on the basis of a candidate’s performance in both SSC-JE Paper-I and Paper-II, the candidate would be called for the final stage i.e. Document Verification.

The final selection and allocation of Ministries/ Departments will be made by SSC on the basis of the performance of candidates in Paper-I + Paper-II, and the preference of Posts/ Departments exercised by them during Document Verification stage. However, the marks obtained in Paper-II can play a significant role in a candidate’s final selection if two or more candidates secure the equal aggregates marks in Paper-I + Paper-II. In such a scenario, the tie will be resolved by applying the following tie method in the order:

(i) Total marks in Paper-II.
(ii) Date of birth, with older candidates placed higher.
(iii) Alphabetical order of the names of the candidates.

Therefore, one should prepare for the SSC-JE Mains stage more seriously, and try his level best to score the maximum marks.

If you are one among those engineering students who are going to appear in the SSC-JE Mains exam, and looking for expert guidance to sail past this stage smoothly then they should take on the SSC-JE Online Test Series.

So, what are you waiting for? Register for IES Master SSC-JE Online Test Seriestoday.

Steps to Avail Free SSC-JE Online Test Series
1. Visit
2. Click on ‘Buy Test Package’ from top right
3. On the Registration page that opens, from the drop-down next to ‘Course’, select ‘SSC-JE’
4. Select your stream from the drop-down, choose ‘SSC-JE Prelims Online Test Series – Free Full Length Tests’ from the drop-down
5. Now fill all the mandatory fields under Personal Details, Academic Details, upload your photo and signature, accept the Terms & Conditions, and then click on ‘Next’, and then ‘Confirm your Order’
6. On successful registration, you will receive the login credentials through SMS, and redirected to Student Zone login page
7. Use the login credentials to login to the Student Zone
8. On the left pane of the Student Zone home page, navigate to ‘Online Test Series’ section, and then click on ‘Test Series’
9. Now under My Test Series, you can access all the tests that have been assigned to you.

Contact IES Master at 80100 09955 or drop a mail to [email protected] to know more about SSC-JE Full-length Test Series.