GATE 2024 Rank Predictor

Predict your performance in GATE 2024,
and determine your GATE Score & All India Rank using
IES MASTER GATE Rank Predictor
for CE, ME, EE, EC and CS branches well before the actual GATE 2024 Results.
Our GATE Score Calculator is FREE, and INSTANT.


Help you explore career opportunities
well in advance
Hassle-free calculation of stats
within a few seconds
Normalization formula
similar to that of GATE
Best rank predictor for GATE
with excellent accuracy.
Get an insight of your performance
in GATE 2024
Determine where you stand
in the competition

Predict Your GATE 2024 Rank

Rank Predictor will be starting soon. Please keep visiting website..

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{{ errors.first('name') }}
{{ errors.first('mobile') }}
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Obtained Marks


Correct Ans




Test Date


Normalized Marks



Incorrect Ans


Participant ID




GATE Score


Unattempted Qs


Exam Centre


Note: Data Showing as per Our Database Records

Estimated GATE Rank : {{getSTDRANK(studentResult.totalObtainedMarks,,'Not Qualified'}} Estimated GATE Score : {{getSTDRANK(studentResult.totalObtainedMarks,,'Not Qualified'}}
Rank Will be displayed soon

Question No. Question ID Your Answer Answer Status
{{index+1}} {{questionRes.questionId}} {{questionRes.stdAns}} {{(masterResponse.questions[questionRes.questionId].optionName==questionRes.optionName?'Correct Ans':'Incorrect Ans')}} {{getRangeAns(masterResponse.questions[questionRes.questionId].ans,questionRes.stdAns)?'Correct Ans':'Incorrect Ans'}} {{(parseFloat(masterResponse.questions[questionRes.questionId].ans)==parseFloat(questionRes.stdAns))||masterResponse.questions[questionRes.questionId].ans=='*'?'Correct Ans':'Incorrect Ans'}} --


The expert faculty at IES Master solves each and every question of GATE, and then on the basis of that answer keys for each set is generated. Once done, a student’s response sheet is matched with the answer key to calculate a student’s marks in GATE. If you feel that there is any error in your GATE marks and score, you can contact IES Master at or call at 80100 09955.
The IES Master GATE Answer Keys are released after GATE exam on the basis of solutions of GATE papers done by subject experts. In case, anyone wants to challenge the answer key, he can drop a mail at
IES MASTER Team deeply analyse the GATE 2024 Exam question paper, previous years paper cut-off and finalise the expected cut-off marks for each branch accordingly.
The GATE rank predicted by IES Master GATE Rank Predictor is not shown as a single rank. It is predicted as a range of expected GATE rank which will be very close to the actual GATE RANK.
The IES Master GATE Rank Predictor will show a candidate’s GATE rank estimate only after data for at least 1,000 candidates in each set is available. The predicted rank might change, and become more close to actual GATE rank as the number of users increase.
The formula and algorithm used for normalization by IES Master GATE Rank Predictor is exactly the same as that used by GATE as it also uses top 0.1% candidates in the formula. In this algorithm, student's actual mark is calculated and then normalised. Student can see Both the marks obtained marks and normalised marks in summary.
IES MASTER GATE Rank Predictor gives result as per real-time database analysis which gets updated on every minutes with updated database. The predicted rank might change, and become more close to actual GATE rank as the number of users increase. You should predict your rank with a regular interval to know your current and updated rank..

Any Queries? Feel Free to Contact Us

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