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GATE 2025

About GATE

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an All-India examination administered and conducted in eight zones across the country by the GATE Committee comprising of Faculty members from IISc, Bangalore and other seven IIT’s on behalf of the National Coordinating Board, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resources Development. The GATE score/rank is used for admissions to Post Graduate Programmes (ME, M.Tech, MS, direct PhD) in institutes like IIT and IIScetc with financial assistance offered by MHRD. PSUs too use the GATE scores for recruiting candidates for various prestigious jobs with attractive remuneration.

GATE 2022 will be organised by IIT Kharagpur and the exam will be held in February 2022. Exam Notification by IIT Kharagpur will be released probably in September 2022

What’s New in GATE 2022

  • Two NEW subject papers are introduced:

    1. ES (Environmental Science and Engineering)

    2. XH (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Economics / English / Linguistics / Philosophy / Psychology / Sociology.

  • Total number of subject papers: 27
  • The pattern of questions will include some Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), while the remaining questions may include Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions.
  • Eligibility criteria is relaxed. A Candidate who is currently studying in th 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program OR has already completed any Government approved degree program in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts is eligible to appear for GATE-2022 examination.
  • A candidate may appear either in ONE or TWO subject papers. For candidates who choose TWO papers, the combination must be from the approved list of combinations and subject to the availability of infrastructure and date.
Code of the First Paper (Primary) Codes of Papers allowed as the Second Paper
PH EC / GG / IN / MA / MT / ST
XE AE / CH / ME / MN / MT / PE / PI / TF
XH ----
XL BM / BT / CY / EY


Note : Candidates opting to appear in TWO subject papers must have primary choice of paper, which will be their default choice and the second choice of paper, which has to be chosen from the allowed combinations.


From GATE-2022 onwards, candidates can apply for two subject papers from the prescribed et of combinations out of the 27 papers listed in the table given below. Candidates are expected to appear in a paper appropriate to the discipline of their qualifying degree. However, candidates are free to choose paper according to their admission plan, keeping in mind the eligibility criteria of the institutions in which they wish to seek admission. For more details regarding the admission criteria in any particular institute, candidates are advised to refer to the websites of that particular institute.

Aerospace Engineering AE
Agricultural Engineering AG
Architecture and Planning AR
Biotechnology BT
Bio - medical Engineering BM
Civil Engineering CE
Chemical Engineering CH
Computer Science & Information Technology CS
Chemistry CY
Electronics and Communication Engineering EC
Electrical Engineering EE
Engineering Sciences XE
Petroleum Engineering PE
Geology and Geophysics GG
Instrumentation Engineering IN
Life Sciences XL
Mathematics MA
Mechanical Engineering ME
Mining Engineering MN
Metallurgical Engineering MT
Physics PH
Production and Industrial Engineering PI
Textile Engineering & Fibre Science TF
Ecology and Evolution EY
Statistics ST
Envirnomental Science and Engineering ES
Humanities and Social Sciences XH


GATE 2022 Eligibility

GATE 2022 Eligibility

A candidate who is currently studying in the 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program OR has already completed any government approved degree program in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts is eligible for appearing in the GATE 2022 exam.

Qualifying Degree Qualifying Degree/Examination Description of eligible candidates

BE/ BTech/ BPharm

Bachelor’s degree holders in Engineering/Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after B.Sc./Diploma in Engineering /Technology) Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed


Bachelor’s degree holders of Architecture (5 years course) Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed

B.Sc (Research)/BS

Bachelor’s degree in Science (Post-Diploma/4 years after 10+2)

Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed

MSc/MA/MCA or equivalent

Master’s degree in any branch of Science/Arts/Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent

Currently in the first year or higher or already completed

Int ME/ M.Tech (Post-B.Sc)

Post-B.Sc Integrated Master’s degree programs in Engineering/Technology (4 year program)

Currently in the 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd/4th year or already completed

Int ME/ M.Tech or Dual Degree (after Diploma or 10+2)

Integrated Master’s degree program or Dual Degree program in Engineering/Technology (5 year program)

Currently in the 3rd/ 4th/5th year or already completed

Int M.Sc/ Int BS-MS

Integrated M.Sc. or 5 years integrated B.S.-M.S. program Currently in the 3rd year or higher or already completed

Professional Society Examinations (equivalent to BE/BTech/BArch)

B.E./B.Tech./B.Arch. equivalent examinations of Professional Societies, recognised by MoE/UPSC/AICTE (e.g., AMIE by Institution of Engineers-India, AMICE by the Institute of Civil Engineers-India and so on) Completed Section A or equivalent of such professional courses

GATE 2022 Exam Pattern

Pattern of Examination

Particulars Details
Examination Mode Computer Based Test (CBT)
Duration 3 Hours
Number of Subjects (Papers) 27
Sections General Aptitude (GA) + Candidate’s Selected Subject
Type of Questions (A) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

(B) Remaining types
  1. Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or
  2. Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions
Questions for testing these abilities
  • Recall
  • Comprehension
  • Application
  • Analysis and Synthesis
Number of Questions 10 (GA) + 55 (subject) = 65 Questions
Distribution of Marks in all Papers EXCEPT papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, XH and XL General Aptitude: 15 Marks + Engineering Mathematics: 13 Marks + Subject Questions: 72 Marks = Total: 100 Marks
Distribution of Marks in papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, XH and XL General Aptitude: 15 Marks + Subject Questions: 85 Marks = Total: 100 Marks
Marking Scheme All of the questions will be of 1 mark or 2 marks


Detailed Marking Scheme

Paper Code General Aptitude (GA) Marks Subject Marks Total Marks Total Time (Minutes)
AE, AR, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, CY, EC, EE, ES, EY, IN, MA, ME, MN, MT, PE, PH, PI, TF, ST and BM 15 85 100 180
GG [Part A + Part B (Section 1 Geology OR Section 2 Geophysics)] 15 25 + 60 100 180
XE (Section A + Any TWO Sections) 15 15 + (2 x 35) 100 180
XH (Section B1 + Any ONE Section) 15 25 + (1 x 60) 100 180
XL (Section P + Any TWO Sections) 15 25 + (2 x 30) 100 180


Pattern of Questions:-

GATE 2022 may contain questions of THREE different types in all the papers:

(i) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 1 or 2 marks each, in all the papers and sections. These questions are objective in nature, and each will have choice of four answers, out of which ONLY ONE choice is correct.
Note:- There will be negative marking for a wrong answer chosen in a MCQ,  For 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark and for 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.

(ii) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) carrying 1 or 2 marks each in all the papers and sections. These questions are objective in nature, and each will have choice of four answers, out of which ONE or MORE than ONE choice(s) is / are correct.
Note: There is NO negative marking for a wrong answer in MSQ questions. However, there is NO partial credit for choosing partially correct combinations of choices or any single wrong choice.

(iii) Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions carrying 1 or 2 marks each in most of the papers and sections. For these questions, the answer is a signed real number, which needs to be entered by the candidate using the virtual numeric keypad on the monitor (keyboard of the computer will be disabled). No choices will be shown for these types of questions. The answer can be a number such as 10 or -10 (an integer only). The answer may be in decimals as well, for example, 10.1 (one decimal) or 10.01 (two decimals) or -10.001 (three decimals). These questions will be mentioned with, up to which decimal places, the candidates need to present the answer. Also, for some NAT type problems an appropriate range will be considered while evaluating these questions so that the candidate is not unduly penalized due to the usual round-off errors. Candidates are advised to do the rounding off at the end of the calculation (not in between steps). Wherever required and possible, it is better to give NAT answer up to a maximum of three decimal places.)
Note: There is NO negative marking for a wrong answer in NAT questions.Also, there is NO partial credit in NAT questions.

Questions Type Marks Negative Marking
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1 mark 0.33
2 marks 0.66
Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) 1 mark Nil
2 marks Nil
Numerical Answer Questions 1 mark Nil
2 marks Nil

Subject Specialization Priority

Civil Engineering

  • Structural Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Construction Engineering &Management
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Rock Engineering & Underground Structure
  • Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology

Mechanical Engineering

  • Design of Mechanical Equipment or Machine Design
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Manufacturing Science & Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Material Science & management

Electrical Engineering

  • Power Electronics
  • Machines & Drives
  • Power Systems
  • Control & Automation
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Instrumentation Technology

Electronics & Communication Engineering

  • VLSI Design Tool Technology
  • Integrated Electronics & Circuits
  • Micro Electronics
  • Microwave Engineering
  • Communication Engg
  • Telecommunication Technology & Management
  • Optoelectronics & Optical Communication
  • Nanotechnology
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Control & Automation 

Computer Science

  • Information Technology
  • Information Security
  • Software Engineering
  • Distributed Computing
  • Image Processing
  • Computer Systems and Hardware
  • Database and Information Systems
  • Programming languages
  • Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Advanced Computing

GATE Cut Off Marks

GATE 2018

S. NO.

GATE Paper

GATE Paper code

No. of candidates appeared

Qualifying Marks(UR)

Qualifying Marks(OBC-NCI)

Qualifying Marks(SC/ST/PWD)


Electronics & Communication Engineering







Computer Science & Information Technology







Mechanical Engineering







Electrical Engineering







Instrumentation Engineering







Civil Engineering







Chemical Engineering













Type of Questions - GATE 2022

Pattern of Questions:-

GATE 2022 may contain questions of THREE different types in all the papers:

(i) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) carrying 1 or 2 marks each, in all the papers and sections. These questions are objective in nature, and each will have choice of four answers, out of which ONLY ONE choice is correct.
Note:- There will be negative marking for a wrong answer chosen in a MCQ,  For 1-mark MCQ, 1/3 mark and for 2-mark MCQ, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.

(ii) Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) carrying 1 or 2 marks each in all the papers and sections. These questions are objective in nature, and each will have choice of four answers, out of which ONE or MORE than ONE choice(s) is / are correct.
Note: There is NO negative marking for a wrong answer in MSQ questions. However, there is NO partial credit for choosing partially correct combinations of choices or any single wrong choice.

(iii) Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions carrying 1 or 2 marks each in most of the papers and sections. For these questions, the answer is a signed real number, which needs to be entered by the candidate using the virtual numeric keypad on the monitor (keyboard of the computer will be disabled). No choices will be shown for these types of questions. The answer can be a number such as 10 or -10 (an integer only). The answer may be in decimals as well, for example, 10.1 (one decimal) or 10.01 (two decimals) or -10.001 (three decimals). These questions will be mentioned with, up to which decimal places, the candidates need to present the answer. Also, for some NAT type problems an appropriate range will be considered while evaluating these questions so that the candidate is not unduly penalized due to the usual round-off errors. Candidates are advised to do the rounding off at the end of the calculation (not in between steps). Wherever required and possible, it is better to give NAT answer up to a maximum of three decimal places.)
Note: There is NO negative marking for a wrong answer in NAT questions.Also, there is NO partial credit in NAT questions.

Design of Questions

The questions in a paper may be designed to test the following abilities:

A. Recall:

These are based on facts, principles, formulae or laws of the discipline. The candidate is expected to be able to obtain the answer either from his/her memory directly or at most from a one-line computation.

B. Comprehension:

These questions will test the candidate's understanding of the basics of his/her field, by requiring him/her to draw simple conclusions from fundamental ideas.

C. Application:

In these questions, the candidate is expected to apply his/her knowledge either through computation or by logical reasoning.

D. Analysis and Synthesis:

These can be linked questions, where the answer to the first question of the pair is required in order to answer its successor. Or these can be common data questions, in which two questions share the same data but can be solved independently of one another.

E. Common Data Questions:

Multiple questions may be linked to a common data problem, passage and the like. Two or three questions can be formed from the given common data problem. Each question is independent and its solution obtainable from the above problem data/passage directly. (Answer of the previous question is not required to solve the next question). Each question under this group will carry two marks.

F. Linked answer questions:

These questions are of problem solving type. A problem statement is followed by two questions based on the problem statement. The two questions are designed such that the solution to the second question depends upon the answer to the first one. In other words, the first answer is an intermediate step in working out the second answer. Each question in such linked answer questions will carry two marks.

Preparation strategy for GATE 2022

How to prepare for GATE 2022?

The GATE exam is not very easy to crack and requires a smart study plan, focus and grit to score well. Practical and in-depth knowledge of concepts and theories is very essential to fetch high marks. The GATE examination has multiple choice and numerical type of questions, hence it requires lot of practice to score high marks.
Previous year question papers can help a lot. A thorough Practice can help to analyze weak areas and you can concentrate on revising them. Also, time your speed of solving the papers to get accustomed to attempting within the allotted time.

Concentrate on both theory as well as numerical problems.
The topics that carry more weightage must be prepared thoroughly to get you a high score.

Keep a list of important definitions, derivations, equations, theorems of every subject as a ready recknor.

 You can also study in groups, especially technical topics since that will help you learn faster. It will also help you find new skills and techniques of learning and understanding.

Since, the exam has negative marking, avoid risks with wild guesses.

Attempt linked and common data questions with great caution and alertness.

Reference Books

S.No Subject / Book Name Author Name
1 Strength of Materials /Mechanics of
Gere & Goodno, L. Singer
2 Theory of Structures/ Analysis of Structure

L.S. Negi & Jangit, Gupta & Pandit,
C.S. Reddy

3 Construction Planning &Management
(ii)Engineering Economy & unsolved
Problems on PERT-CPM
(iii) Equipment

B.C. Punamia

U.K. Shrivastav

Robert Peurifoy

4 Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering. R.F.Craig , Muni Budhu
5 Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines

Modi & Seth, R. K. Bansal, Cengel and
Cimbala, K.Subramanyam, Jagdish Lal.

6 Environmental Engineering

G.O.I Manual , S.K. Garg (Part-I & II),
Peavy and R owe, Metcalf & Eddy

7 Highway Engineering Khanna & Justo, Kadiyali
8 Railway Engineering

Saxena & Arora

9 Airport Engineering

Saxena & Arora

10 Docks & Harbors


11 Building Materials Rangwala, M.L. Gambhir
12 R.C.C. Design

Pillai and Menon, A.K. jain, H.J.Shah

I.S. Code-456---2000

13 Steel Design

Arya & Ajmani, L.S. Negi,

I.S. Code-800

14 Plastic Analysis

Manicka Selvam

GATE Topper's Testimonials

"It’s because of vast technical knowledge, immaculate & lucid teaching style and comprehensive covering of topic that...."Read more
Vikash Ahlawat | AIR 01, GATE (CE) 2013
"The Emphasis in the Institute in towards understanding the concept and not mearly rote Learning, the Study Material....."Read more
K.M.N.V.S Ravi Teja | AIR 04, GATE (CE) 201
"I am very Thankful to IES Master under the Guidence of Director sir Kanchan Kumar Thakur."Read more
Ajit Kumar Palsania | AIR 05, GATE (CE) 2016


Topper's Talk