Interview is an overall test of your personality; Candidates get selected or rejected on the basis of his performance before the interview panel. So far, BPSC has examined the candidates on the basis of their academic knowledge through respective written exams. Henceforth various other aspects will be looked at by interview panel like candidate is well groomed or not? and whether he possess necessary self-esteem to represent the department before general public.
So, to help students in developing a professional outlook IES MASTER has designed an BPSC AE Interview guidance program which will make student well equipped prior to their interview dates. This program is a perfect blend of technical and non-technical sessions. It will be conducted in online mode and includes 12-13 classes (PD & Current Affair Session & Technical Session).
The program includes:
- Video classes for Technical subjects, Personality development and current affairs
- Study material for Technical Subjects & General Awareness
- Mock Interview from our expert panel
Video classes will help students in getting useful insights of subject matter and they can easily forecast fine details of technical subjects under the tutelage of our renowned faculties.
Personality development sessions will help students in developing a professional outlook which they can portray before interview panel and leave a better impression.
Online interview guidance program start from 10th Feb, 2021 and mock interview starts from 13th Feb, 2021. Students can select to enroll the complete interview guidance programme or select any other available packages.