DFCCIL Recruitment


The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) is a corporation run by the Ministry of Railways (India) to undertake planning & development, mobilisation of financial resources and construction, maintenance and operation of the Dedicated Freight Corridors. DFCC has been registered as a company under the Companies Act 1956 on 30 October 2006.



Application Mode - Online Registration :

Starting Date- 30/01/2016, Closing Date- 13/02/2016

Designation : Assistant Manager (Sig. & Tele. , Electrical)

Number of Vacancies : 09

Remuneration : RS. 24900 - 50500 /-

Qualification: Minimum Educational Qualification:

Degree in Electrical / Electronics and Telecommunications / Electronics /Electrical Power Systems / Electronics and Communications / Electronics and Video Engineering / Instrumentation & Control / Industrial Electronics /Mechanical / Production / Production Technology / Industrial Engineering from a recognized institute .

Minimum Percentage in Graduation :

Genral Candidate – 60%

OBC/SC/ST Candidates – 60%

Age Limit: 18 -30 Years

Application Fee :

General Candidates and OBC – RS.1000/

SC/ST Candidates –

PWD Candidates

Selection Procedure : The candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Test and Interview.


Application form/Admit Card: http://dfccil.gov.in/dfccil_app/Careers.jsp

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